About DNAqua-Hub

DNAqua-Hub is an interactive information platform developed by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action DNAqua-Net (CA15219). DNAqua-Net is a network composed of experts in DNA-based bioassessment of aquatic ecosystem that aims to develop standardised approaches to apply genetic tools in environmental monitoring programs. Given the tremendous pace of eDNA method development, the network wishes to use DNAqua-Net to provide an overview of the current methods and interactive multimedia-tools to explore their application, i.e. guidance on how to use them, as well as information on formal standard development. Furthermore, we provide information on commercial service providers as well as public and academic labs. By this, we would like to bring together the compenetence in one central place, especiall with respect to the European market, but also beyond.

DNAqua Hub is a direct result of DNAqua-Net COST Action (CA15219) and was funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program of the European Union